Consignors Info - Page
Want to clean out your children's closets and earn money at the same time? Then consign with us at one of our There They Grow Again sales.
There They Grow Again sale. The consignor fee of $20 after Jan 3 2025 $25 is paid when you register. Each registered consignor will receive 2 FREE presale passes. If a consignor fails to drop off items they will not be eligible to shop the pre-sale. The shopping credit is valid for this sale only. If you don't use the credit you loose it
You set your own prices and can decide if you would like to have your items discounted for the 50% sale day.
Consignors get to shop before the general public and if you volunteer you get to shop even earlier.
The following Items Will Not Be Acceptable for Our Sale
Car Seats
Cribs & Crib mattress
Perishable items
Used binkies, bottles
Breast pumps, diaper genies, infant tubs, onesies.
#monogramed items, giveaway,race or vacation tees.
(WE will take Disney tees) Homemade items
?Stuffed animals unless new with tags(we will accept electronic stuffed animals if they do something, sing, dance etc.).
.VHS Tapes
Clothing brands from Wal-Mart or K-mart. These items are not big sellers and we want our consignors to make as much money as possible. The only exception is if you have a new item from a discount store with the original tag attached.
We no longer take crib bedding items, receiving blankets, any clothing out of season will automatically be donated.
Reminder: We only accept a maximum of 40 items per size per gender. For Size 3-9 months
Recalled Items:
Please do not bring items that are recalled or have high lead content! Check your items at and for the latest information.
How to get started:
1.To register use the appropriate link and receive your consignment number(this number will be assigned to you for every sale).
2. Prepare items (organize items, price, put on hangers, enter data on your consignment page, print tags on card stock. Tags will print six to a page, attach tags to all of your items). No special equipment required, all standard printers are capable of printing tags.
3. Register for a drop off time.
4. Drop off your items at the sale.
5. At the conclusion of the sale pick up or donate any unsold items. Any items not picked up will be donated to a local charity.
6. Get paid! TTGA will send you a check within 30 days.
Supplies You May Need:
1. Wire or Plastic Hangers: Usually available from any local dry cleaner for free or for a small fee. Also check Ebay, Craigs List or Freecycle.
2. Cardstock Paper: 60-67# weight or greater is acceptable in white or off-white. Available at stationary or retail stores. Regular white copy paper will NOT be accepted.
3. Safety pins: Use to secure clothing to hangers and to attach price tags. You can also use a tagging gun to secure tags. Straight pins are not acceptable.
4. Clear Packing Tape: Use for toys, books, etc.
5. Zip top bags: Use for shoes and small parts.
6. Zip ties: Use for items with awkward pieces. Lowes, Home Depot and Staples have them.
Must be current styles and in season of sale. No stains, rips or missing buttons. Any clothing that smells like smoke, or has any odor will be returned. We don't take clothing that is older than 5 years. We accept only fall/ winter clothes at the fall sale and we accept only spring/summer clothes at our spring sale. We accept long sleeve tops, jeans, pants & light pants, bathing suits year round.
Sizes accepted:
Clothes must be on hangers with the hook of the hanger facing to the left like a question mark.
Sizes 3-9 months the limit is 40 items per gender and size.
Shoes are limited to your 10 best pairs unless they are new with attached original tags attached.
Shoes must be in excellent (like new) condition. Make sure the laces are clean and use shoe polish.
Maternity limited to your 10 best items. Items must be no older than 4 years and in style.
Toys are one of our best sellers and must be in good working condition and include all parts. If the toy requires batteries they MUST be included so the customer is assured that the toy works. If the batteries are not included the toy will be removed from the sales floor.
Pricing Suggestions:
We only accept items priced at $2.00 or above. If you have an item you would like to sell for less pair it with another item.
Log your items to be sold at the 50% off sale, 1/2 price is better than not selling your item at all.
Below is a pricing guide for your reference.
Pricing Guidelines:
Large Outdoor Sets, Jogging Strollers, Little Tykes, Step 2 Slides and Jungle Gyms are big sellers. These items can be pricedup to 50-65% of the original price if they are in excellent condition.
Infant Gear:
Pack N Plays $25-$75
High Chair $15-$60
Booster Chair $5-15
Bumbo Seat 10-20
Umbrella Stroller 5-17
Single stroller 10-40
Double 25-75
Jogging Stroller 40-85
Swings 10-75
Play Yards 25-75
Safety Gates 8-29
Infant Carrires 12-35
Exersaucers 10-35
Shirts 2-6
Pants 2-8
Dresses 2-15
Skirts 2-9
Holiday 3-25
Coats 4-20
Costumes 3-8
Cleats/Dance 4-10
Rockers 25-60
Gliders 40-70